Grave of the Ursyn-Niemcewicz Doellinger family

his creed in God, honour
and his fatherland, ending in :
"Sleep in peace and await us"
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[lot C1 656C ]
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( 1920-2003 )
( 1920-2003 )
Born in Poland. As a 19-year old student, he joined the Resistance to the German occupation, and fought in three successive clandestine organizations, including the Home Army (AK). After the war, under Poland's communist-imposed regime, he served time as a political prisoner in the maximum-security prison of Rawicz during the stalinist years of terror. He then emigrated to Canada, worked at Canadian Marconi, and in 1967 married Dr. Anna Doellinger (below). They had one daughter, Anna Malwa, born in 1969. He died aged 83.

born Döllinger
( 1933-2014 )
born Döllinger
( 1933-2014 )
Physician. Born in southern Poland, Anna was 6 when WWII broke out. Her father, a lawyer, judge and member of parliament, left to serve at the front. Demobilized at the end of the war, he died in London in 1949. Anna stayed with her mother, a qualified nurse and midwife, who was actively engaged in the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Anna completed primary school in Krakow, then moved to the western territories in Ketrzyn, where she went to high school while her mother worked in the county hospital. In 1951 she enrolled at the University of Warsaw to study medicine, and became an M.D. in 1957. She emigrated to Canada in the 1960s to pursue a specialization in dermatology. In Montreal, she married Jozef Ursyn-Niemcewicz (above); their daughter, Anna, was born in 1969. Dr. Doellinger worked in Montreal hospitals, besides having her own medical practice. She took part in Polish community life and, together with her husband, helped people in need. She died in the Polish Welfare Institute at the age of 81.