Grave of Maria Izabella "Mika" Zamoyska

[lot C2 018Z ]
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Maria Izabella
( 1937- 2017 )
( 1937- 2017 )
Born shortly before the war in the family estate of Kozlowka, Maria Izabella (Mika) was the second child of Aleksander Zamoyski and Jadwiga Belina-Brzozowska (see grave no. 26 [lot C1 027]). In 1945, she left Poland with her mother and siblings to join her father, then in military service with the Anders Army in Italy. The family emigrated to Canada, where Mika completed her education. She married in 1960, and had 3 children : Karl-Martin Hasse, Karlinda Hasse and Mark Herbert Hasse. In Montreal, she worked in real estate, and after retirement moved to her late mother's property in Rawdon. There, André Patenaude was her companion in the last decades of her life. She died at age 80.